Document Exchange

File Document to SiteVault

This action sends documents to your connected SiteVault and creates them as new document versions with the appropriate SiteVault document type. The version is created based on the order you file the document to SiteVault regardless of the document version in Site Connect > Site Home.

For example, if a document has three versions, and you file version 3, version 1, and version 2 in that order, SiteVault then creates a document with version 3, then version 1, and then version 2 as the latest version. If multiple documents exist in a row, this action files the documents in order from the earliest to the latest version.

Vault displays a warning if you attempt to file a document more than once. However, Vault does not prevent you from filing the same document version multiple times. The Last Filed to SiteVault field in the Documents grid will update each time a new document version is created in SiteVault.

To file a single document to SiteVault:

  1. In the Document Exchange > Documents tab, click the File document to SiteVault icon in the document’s row.
  2. Click Continue on the File document to SiteVault dialog. If successful, the document is created in your connected SiteVault with the new document version.

To bulk file documents to SiteVault:

  1. In the Document Exchange > Documents tab, select each document you want to file to your connected SiteVault.
  2. Click Actions > File to SiteVault.
  3. Click Continue in the File document to SiteVault dialog.

Documents received from Sponsors with an End of Study Media or Completed CRF document type are automatically filed to SiteVault upon receipt. You may need to refresh your browser for this action to take place.

Note: If the document version already exists in your SiteVault as the latest version of the document, the action fails.