Getting Started

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SiteVault Home

Many times, Home is the first area you see after logging into a SiteVault. Within SiteVault Home you can read notifications, view or complete your assigned tasks, and review workflows in which you are a participant.

View Menu

The left navigation panel within Home links to the different views and shows the current number items for each view. From task views, you can filter and sort based on task, workflow, or document fields. The following sections explain these views:

The task and workflow views use status indicator icons to show the current status of each workflow or task.

About Task Counts

The task counts that appear for each view may change when you click to the view. This occurs because SiteVault does not automatically check your permissions when loading the Home tab, but does verify that you have the appropriate permissions for each task when loading the related view.

If you have more than 200 tasks in the Available Tasks, My Tasks, or All Tasks views, these views will not show tasks for which you do not have access. In this case, the number of tasks in your All Tasks view may not be equal to the combined number of tasks in your Available Tasks and My Tasks views.

All Tasks

All Tasks is the default view. This view shows both tasks assigned to you and available tasks. For each workflow task, this view describes the required actions to complete the task and the document to which the task applies. You can click the document name to view it, or click Show more to see additional task details.

My Tasks

You may have assigned tasks for which you’re responsible. These tasks may be steps in a document or object workflow, or they may be a user task assigned to you. The My Tasks view lists all of your assigned tasks.

Available Tasks

The Available Task view lists all tasks that are “available” for you to accept and complete. When a task shows up as available, an Admin has configured the task so that any of the assigned users can complete it. When one user accepts the task, it is no longer listed as available and shows in that user’s My Tasks view.

Tabular View for Tasks

SiteVault automatically opens the task views in Detail View, which lists tasks in rows. You can also see tasks in Tabular View, which functions like a spreadsheet and allows you to sort, resize columns, modify which columns appear, and export the task list.

Tabular View shows the Task Name, Task Due Date, Task Assignment Date, and Workflow Owner columns automatically. To add or remove columns, open the Actions Menu and select Edit Columns. In the Edit Columns dialog, document-specific columns are available only if all of your tasks are document workflow tasks.

Active Workflows

The Active Workflow view lists workflows in which you are a participant or the Workflow Owner.

Note: This view shows up to 200 workflows at a time. If you have access to more than 200 workflows and need to see a full list, you can create a report using the Workflow with Document report type.
