Learn how to build your eBinder and upload and manage documents

Document Information Page

The Document Information page is displayed when you open a document from the Documents > eBinder or Documents > Library tabs. The Doc Info page displays a viewable rendition of the document along with any associated document information. Among other actions, you can edit document information and initiate workflows and state changes from this page. See the table below to learn more about the different areas and features of the Doc Info page.

Overview of the Doc Info page in SiteVault.


Navigation Use the navigation breadcrumbs to navigate back to the Library.


Lifecycle State Displays the current state of the document. You can also use this button to change the state of the document.


Workflow Actions Menu Enables you to quickly start a workflow or make a state change, such as approving or finalizing a document.


Most Frequently Use Actions Your four most frequently used actions are displayed here. The actions that are displayed depend on the context. SiteVault learns the actions that you use most for a particular document type or record and displays those actions first.


All Actions Menu Contains all of the other non-workflow actions for a document, for example, Create Draft, Make a Copy, and so on.


Lifecycle Stages Chevron Panel

Lifecycle stages help you understand where a document is in its lifecycle by grouping specific lifecycle states into ordered collections of stages. The lifecycle stages chevron panel provides a visualization of the document’s progress, with each chevron representing a single lifecycle stage. The chevrons are color-coded to indicate the document’s current stage:

  • Green indicates a previous stage.
  • Blue indicates the active stage.
  • Gray indicates an upcoming stage.

The lifecycle stages chevron panel can also give details for incomplete tasks. Select the blue (in-progress) chevron to see a list of up to five open tasks. Tasks are displayed on the task card in the same order as they are displayed in the Active Workflow panel. An exclamation point icon is displayed on the blue chevron if one or more tasks are behind schedule.


Document Viewer Controls

The document controls in the upper-left of the viewer contain the following options:

  • View Annotations
  • Open Bookmarks
  • Open Destinations
  • Find in Document


Document View Controls

The document controls in the upper-right of the viewer contain the following options:

  • Rotate Clockwise
  • Zoom Out
  • Zoom In
  • Full Screen
  • View Options Menu (including Document, Notes, and Thumbnail views)


Document Information Displays document information such as type, study, file information, and version history.


Relationships Displays document relationships such as any linked or supporting documents.


Document Files Displays the source file and viewable renditions.


Sharing Settings Displays what users have access to the document and the permissions granted through the user’s role.


Timeline View Displays a timeline view of the document’s state changes and workflows.