
Manage the teams, vendors, and participants for your studies

Add New Document(s) Found After Archival (Rearchive a Study)

Who can complete this task?
  • Administrators

When one or more documents need added to an archived study, a Site Administrator can create the document(s) and rearchive the study.

Step One: Create and Finalize Document(s)

  1. Access SiteVault Home and select + Create.
  2. Select Upload and Continue.
  3. Select the document(s) to upload.
  4. Select the Document Type for each document and select Next.
  5. Complete the Study field. You can include all studies that are associated with the document(s).
  6. Complete the Document Date field.
  7. Select Save.
  8. From All Actions (…), select Change Status to XXXX (where “XXXX” is the document type’s steady or final state).
  9. Complete the Document Date field.
  10. Select Save.

Step Two: Rearchive the study

Rearchive the study by following the steps on Initiate Study Archive.

Every time an archived study is rearchived, the Note to File document updates to a new version.
