SiteVault Administration

Learn how to manage SiteVault as a SiteVault Administrator

Create Staff Users Without an Account

Who can complete this task?
  • Site Administrators

Use the following steps to create a Staff who requires representation in a study but will not log in to SiteVault to complete tasks:

  1. Navigate to the Administration > Staff tab and select Create.
  2. Enter and re-enter an email address for the user.
  3. Select Check Email. Confirm that there are no existing accounts related to the entered email address.
    • If one or more accounts exist: Select the appropriate existing account.
    • If no accounts exist: Continue to next step.
  4. Enter a first name.
  5. Enter a last name.
  6. Indicate if the Staff is an investigator.
  7. In the Create As field, select Staff (No SiteVault Access).
  8. Select Next.
  9. If you are a:
    • Single-Site Administrator: review your changes and click Save.
    • Research Organization Administrator:
      • Select +Add Site.
      • Select the site(s) to which the Staff should be affiliated.
      • Select Save.