
Manage the teams, vendors, and participants for your studies

Edit, Activate/Inactivate, or Delete a Study Team Assignment

Who can complete this task?
  • Administrators

Edit a Study Team Assignment

You can edit an assignment from Administration > Staff > Study Assignments or the Study > Study Team Assignments section.

  1. Navigate to the Studies tab.
  2. Select the study.
  3. From the Team tab, select the Assignment to update.
  4. Select Edit from the All Actions menu.
  5. Update the fields as needed.
  6. Select Save.

Delete a Study Team Assignment

Note Team assignments can only be deleted in the Proposed state.

  1. Navigate to the Studies tab.
  2. Select the study.
  3. From the Team tab, locate the team assignment to delete.
  4. Select Delete from associated the All Actions menu.

Change Study Team Assignment State

You can edit an assignment’s state from Administration > Staff > Study Assignments or the Study > Study Team Assignments section.

  1. Navigate to Studies.
  2. Select the study.
  3. Select the Team tab.
  4. Select the appropriate lifecycle state from the Assignment Status column.

Bulk Action to Activate Study Team Assignments

  1. Navigate to Studies.
  2. Select the study.
  3. Select the Team tab.
  4. Select one or more assignments to update.
  5. From the Bulk Actions menu, select Set as Active.
  6. Review your selections. If needed, you can use the X in the Staff column to remove a selected Staff.
  7. Select Save.