
Track all of your studies' teams, vendors, and participants

About Study Team Assignments


  • Creating a Study Team Assignment assigns a site staff user to a study.
  • An assignment grants the site staff user access to view a study and the study-related documents.
  • To create a Study Team Assignment, the user must already have a SiteVault account for your site.
  • Study Team Assignments can be managed in the following areas of SiteVault:
    • Study > Team
    • Administration > Staff
  • Study Team Assignment States
    • Four possible states for a Study Team Assignment are available: Proposed, Active, Make Inactive (Digital Delegation only), and Inactive.
    • Study Team Assignments are created in the Proposed state.
    • Study Team Assignments can toggle between Active and Inactive.
    • Study Team Assignments can only be deleted in the Proposed state.
    • When an Assignment is updated to the Active state, the user’s most recent steady-state version and any subsequent versions of their profile documents (for example, CV and licenses) are added to the study.
    • When a Study Team Assignment with the role of Principal Investigator is changed to Active, the Principal Investigator (PI) field on the study is automatically updated to that PI.

Digital Delegation and Study Team Assignments

See the Digital Delegation and Study Team Assignments page to learn more about study team assignments on Digital Delegation-enabled studies.
