Release Notes

See what's new and coming soon, known and fixed issues, and release archive

About the 24R2 Release

Release Date: August 9, 2024 | Last Updated: July 8, 2024

This page can help you understand the schedule for the coming release and the list of features included. Future release dates and information are subject to change. For general Vault release information, see the About the 24R2 Release page in the Vault Release Notes.

Important Dates

The following release dates are important for the upcoming release:

Event Date Description
Pre-Release July 15 The release is deployed to pre-release SiteVaults (SiteVault Enterprise) and the MyVeeva pre-release environments.
Validation Package July 15 - August 9

The validation package is available in Veeva Compliance Docs, sometimes referred to as VeevaDocs, on the dates below. The package includes validation documents for MyVeeva, SiteVault, and Veeva eConsent.

  • System Release Memo: July 15
  • Compliance Documents: July 15
  • Executed OQs: July 15
  • Executed PQs: August 9
General Release August 9 The release is deployed to all general release SiteVaults and MyVeeva general release environments.

Release Information and Impacts

The following release resources and information are planned to be available on the dates in the Publication History column:

Resource Publication History Description
Release Impact Assessment Updated July 31

The release impact assessment analyzes the regulatory, configuration, and user impacts of the MyVeeva, SiteVault, and Veeva eConsent features in this release. These features are located on the eConsent, ePRO, and Sites tab in the 24R2 Release Impact Assessment.

What's New Updated August 9

The What's New information provides detailed explanations of the new features for SiteVault. Feature information for MyVeeva for Patients, Veeva eConsent, and Veeva ePRO can be found in the Vault Release Notes.

Known Issues in 24R2 Pre-Release Available July 15

The SiteVault Known Issues in 24R2 Pre-Release page lists known issues that affect the SiteVault 24R2 Pre-Release.

Fixed Issues Available August 2

The SiteVault Fixed Issues page list issues that affected previous versions or the pre-release and are fixed in this general release. MyVeeva for Patients Fixed Issues can be found in Vault Release Notes.

Known Issues Available August 2

The SiteVault Known Issues page list issues that affect this general release or previous ones and aren't fixed yet.

Maintenance Releases Available with the first maintenance release

The SiteVault 24R2 Maintenance Releases page lists fixed issues that affected the general release.
