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MyVeeva for Patients 23R1 Maintenance Releases

Maintenance releases fix issues that affect customers in production environments. We typically document the release at least twenty-four hours before the deployment. This list documents only fixes to general releases, and the list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the deployment.

The issues below are now fixed. See the MyVeeva for Patients Known Issues page for additional issues that staff and MyVeeva users may encounter.

July 7, 2023 | Release Number: 23R1.0.4

Component Users Description Issue
eConsent - MyVeeva Users MyVeeva Users, Site Staff eConsent forms with hand-drawn signatures submitted through the web app now generate a viewable rendition with a visible participant signature. MYVC-15301

June 16, 2023 | Release Number: 231.0.2 iOS, 231.0.2 Android

Component Users Description Issue
eConsent - Viewer MyVeeva Users, Site Staff When an eConsent form is signed and submitted through the MyVeeva app, the viewable rendition will include a visible participant signature. MYVC-15172
General UI MyVeeva Users After 30 minutes of inactivity, MyVeeva users are logged out and shown a message advising that their session has ended. Users are led to reauthenticate by logging in with their username and password. MYVC-14788

June 13, 2023 | Release Number: 23R1.0.3

Component Users Description Issue
eConsent - PDF Generation MyVeeva Users, Site Staff When an ICF is imported with a null value for a content block header, the signed ICF .PDF rendition no longer includes 'null' as the content block heading. MYVC-15171

May 12, 2023 | Release Number: 23R1.0.2

Component Users Description Issue
eConsent - Other MyVeeva Users, Site Staff When site users create a participant for a study with shared documents immediately before sending an eConsent form to the participant, the participant now receives the shared documents and the eConsent form as expected. Previously in rare instances, sending the eConsent form may have failed. MYVC-14466
eConsent - SiteVault Integration MyVeeva Users, Site Staff Site users can now successfully reset a MyVeeva user's password from their patient profile after sending an eConsent form to the user, changing the user's email address in their participant record, and sending another eConsent form. Previously, errors occurred when a site user attempted to reset a MyVeeva user's password after changing the user's email address. MYVC-14579
ePRO - Module Sponsor Staff Sponsor users can now successfully open the ePRO module when a study number contains a hash symbol (#). Previously, opening the ePRO module when a study number contained a hash symbol resulted in an error. MYVC-14434
ePRO - Module Sponsor Staff Sponsor users can now successfully open the ePRO module when a study number contains an en dash ( - ). Previously, opening the ePRO module when a study number contained an en dash resulted in an error. MYVC-14402
ePRO - Module Sponsor Staff Sponsor users can now successfully start UAT while upversioning an ePRO collection if a survey's JSON configuration contains '' '' in its licenseText parameter. Previously, starting UAT failed if a survey's licenseText parameter contained '' ''. MYVC-14380
ePRO - Module Sponsor Staff When a sponsor user changes a survey's Reviewed and Licensed values and then starts UAT, the new values are now displayed on the Surveys tab as expected. Previously, the old values were displayed on the Surveys tab after a user started UAT until they refreshed the page. MYVC-14268

April 28, 2023 | Release Number: 23R1.0.1, 231.0.1 Android, 231.0.1 iOS

Component Users Description Issue
eConsent - MyVeeva Users MyVeeva Users, Site Staff When site staff scan a QR code to begin an in-person consenting session, they can now consent a participant's associated representatives as expected. Previously, representatives couldn't sign the form. MYVC-14317
ePRO - SiteVault Integration Site Staff In rare instances when an error occurs while site users attempt to approve an ePRO collection document, the system now logs an APPROVE_EPRO_ERROR event in ePRO Audit Trail Data exports and users receive a notification saying that the approval was unsuccessful. Previously, no error event was logged in the audit trail and users didn't receive a failure notification. MYVC-13964
General UI MyVeeva Users When a MyVeeva user with Face ID enabled in the iOS app changes their email address, phone number, or password, their Face ID setting in their account settings remains toggled to On as expected. Previously, Face ID toggled to Off. MYVC-14198
General UI MyVeeva Users MyVeeva users are now shown an error message asking them to reauthenticate by logging in with their username and password when their biometric authentication expires after thirty days in the iOS app. Previously, the system didn't show users an error message before returning them to the login screen. MYVC-14052
General UI MyVeeva Users A MyVeeva user's Face ID setting now toggles to Off and requires reauthentication in the iOS app after thirty days as expected. Previously, their biometric authentication did not expire after thirty days and the user could continue to log in with Face ID. MYVC-14053
General UI MyVeeva Users A MyVeeva user's Touch ID setting now toggles to Off and requires reauthentication in the iOS app after thirty days as expected. Previously, their biometric authentication did not expire after thirty days and the user could continue to log in with Touch ID. MYVC-14054
Platform - Notifications MyVeeva Users, Site Staff MyVeeva users without an associated language whose accounts were created prior to 22R2 can now select links in email notifications and log in when the web app opens as expected. Previously in rare instances, some users created under these conditions were unable to log in to the web app from a link in an email notification. MYVC-14326
Platform - Notifications MyVeeva Users When a MyVeeva user with the Android app installed on their device selects a link in a notification email, the system now opens the link in the app automatically. Previously, the user was asked whether they wanted to open the link in the app or in a web browser instead of going directly to the app. MYVC-14156