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MyVeeva for Patients Fixed Issues in 22R1

Release Date: April 22, 2022

The issues below that affected previous versions or the pre-release are now fixed in this general release. See the MyVeeva for Patients Known Issues page for additional issues that staff and MyVeeva users may encounter.

Component Users Description Issue
eConsent - ClinOps Integration Sponsor Staff When sponsor staff add content blocks and check in an eConsent form multiple times, the form now remains connected to the sponsor. Previously, the form may have been disconnected from the sponsor and would not have been connected if shared with a site. MYVC-6452
eConsent - ClinOps Integration Site Staff When a Clinical Operations user saves or checks in an eConsent form from the eConsent editor then shares the form with a site, response data is now associated with the correct form. Previously, if the Clinical Operations user imported or copied an existing Clinical Operations form (Form A) into a new form (Form B), response data was associated with Form A instead of Form B. MYVC-6540
eConsent - ClinOps Integration Site Staff, Sponsor Staff When sponsor staff copy an existing form (Form A) then share the new form (Form B) with a site with an import code without editing the form in the editor, the site form is now connected to the correct sponsor form (Form B). Previously, the site form was connected to the original sponsor form (Form A). MYVC-6617
eConsent - Editor Site Staff, Sponsor Staff When a Clinical Operations user shares an eConsent form with a site after saving but not checking in the form from the eConsent editor, the eConsent form is now connected to the sponsor. Previously, the eConsent form was not connected and response data was not received. MYVC-6606
eConsent - Editor Site Staff, Sponsor Staff When sponsor staff share an eConsent form with a site via Site Connect and the site approves it without editing it in the eConsent editor, the hand-drawn signature requirement is now correctly applied if the sponsor set it. Previously, the hand-drawn signature requirement was no longer applied. MYVC-6596
eConsent - MyVeeva Users MyVeeva Users Signatures are now aligned with the signature lines on the .PDF copies of signed eConsent forms if the signatory's name is long enough to require the text to wrap. MYVC-3431
eConsent - SiteVault Integration Site Staff When an eConsent form is signed and submitted by all signatories, the signature response record is now associated with the signed version of the eConsent form. Previously, the signature response record remained associated with the placeholder version. MYVC-6059
General UI MyVeeva Users When two guardians are logged in and viewing the same eConsent form in the iOS app and one answers a required question, the second guardian now receives a message explaining that the question has already been answered when they try to answer the same question. MYVC-6427
General UI MyVeeva Users When you update your account's email address in MyVeeva for Patients, the email address saved for your login page is also updated. MYVC-5253
General UI MyVeeva Users MyVeeva users can now click the Recover Account link in the iOS app to access the web page for resetting their password. Previously, the web page was not opened when the user clicked the link. MYVC-6165
General UI MyVeeva Users If two MyVeeva users are viewing the same eConsent form at the same time in the iOS app and one user declines the eConsent form prior to the other, the second user will receive a message if they attempt to decline. Previously, the second user would not receive a message notifying them that another user declined. MYVC-6407
Platform - Authentication, Platform - User Profile MyVeeva Users When a SiteVault user updates a MyVeeva for Patients user's locale in SiteVault, the MyVeeva for Patients user now receives emails related to their account settings in the updated language. Previously, the MyVeeva users may have received emails in the language for the previous locale. MYVC-4202