
Manage your monitoring needs with compliant and efficient tools

Review Documents

  1. Review the document for pertinent information.
  2. When finished with your review, select View Monitoring Details from the All Actions menu.
  3. Select your study.
  4. Select the correct Monitoring Status for any affected versions of the document. Select from the following statuses:
    • Ready for Review: All documents start in the Ready for Review state. Any document with a new version stacked will also start in Ready for Review. Previous versions will maintain their previous states.
    • Issues Found: A monitoring issue related to the document has been identified and a prompt to log the issue is initiated.
    • Issues Resolved: Indicates that any logged issues have been resolved by the site staff and are awaiting the monitor’s review of the resolution.
    • Review Not Required: The document is in its steady or final state and does not require review.
    • Reviewed, No Issues: The document has been reviewed by a monitor and no issues were found.
View Monitoring Details