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About Document Groups and Lifecycles

See the following list for more information on document groups in SiteVault and their associated lifecycles:

  • Financial Documents: Follow the Draft to Finalized lifecycle.
  • Legal Documents: Follow the Draft to Fully Executed lifecycle.
  • Profile Documents: Apply to people or partner organizations and can exist in the context of your research organization, site, or study.
    • At creation, you associate the document with the person or organization, and SiteVault makes the document available in the appropriate context. For example, you can upload a CV for a study team member at your site, and SiteVault makes the same document available for all sites in the research organization to which the user has access so that you don’t need to upload the same document for each site. Moreover, SiteVault automatically associates the document to any study to which the study team member or organization is actively assigned.
    • Organization Profile documents follow the Organization Profile lifecycle.
    • Person Profile documents follow the Person Profile lifecycle.
  • Site Documents: Documents that provide evidence of your site’s internal processes and operations. Site Documents follow the Draft to Effective lifecycle. See Site Documents.
  • Source Documents: For information on Source documents, see Managing Source Documents.
  • Study Documents: Documents that are specific to your study, such as a 1572. Study documents follow the Draft to Approved for Use, Draft to Current, and Draft to Final document lifecycles (determined by type of document).