
Track all of your studies' teams, vendors, and participants

Export Study Documents

Who can complete this task?
  • Site Administrators
  • You can export all major versions of all documents for a study. This enables you to provide a printed or exported version of your eBinder to your inspector, if requested.
  • Viewable renditions of the documents are exported as a .ZIP file and, when unzipped, are in the eBinder folder structure.
  • The export also includes PDFs of the audit trails for each document and a CSV file with the metadata for each document version.

To export study documents, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Studies.
  2. Select a study.
  3. Select View Details.
  4. Select Export Study Documents from the All Actions menu. When the export is complete, you’ll receive a notification in SiteVault that contains the link to the export. You don’t need to stay on the page while the export is processing.