
Store and manage all of your documents

Find Documents in the Site eBinder

Within the Site eBinder, you can filter for helpful views, upload documents, or initiate state changes and workflows.

Finding Documents

Use the tools below to easily locate and file documents in the Site eBinder.

eBinder Navigation
  1. To review documents in the Site eBinder, select the Documents > Site eBinder tab, if needed, select a site from the Site Selector.
  2. The document folders on the left side of the screen provide easy navigation.
    • Hierarchical folder structure is grouped by Document Type.
    • Document indicators and counts provide at-a-glance folder activity.
  3. Descriptions are displayed for all folders and documents as they are selected.
  4. In addition to selecting folders, filters are provided to assist in locating documents.
    • The Site eBinder Search bar (located above the eBinder table) allows you to locate documents in the currently selected folder.
    • Use filters to locate documents related to a specific organization or person.
  5. Documents are listed in the table on the right side of the screen. Table columns update based on folder selection.
    • Selecting a document will open the Document Viewer in a new browser window.
    • The tabs along the top of the table provide views based on the documents’ approval statuses.
    • The Document Actions menu provides tasks (ex. change status, download, etc.) that are available based on document type and status. To review, select the ellipses menu (…) to the right of the Document Name.
    • Documents with previous versions available display a caret (>) to expand or collapse the view as needed. This viewing option is only available for documents to which the user has access.
    • Select Edit Columns from the table-level ellipses menu (…) to add or remove columns. Your folder level preferences are retained for future ease of use.
  6. The Upload button initiates the Site eBinder document creation process.