Finalize and Copy Certify Site Documents
Approve/Finalize Document After Upload
- Access the Site eBinder.
- Select the Document Actions (…) menu to the right of the name of the document to approve.
- Select Change Status to {XXXX}, where XXXX is the document type’s final status.
- Complete the Document Date field.
- Additional Actions:
- If no further actions are required, select Save to complete the process.
- If copy certification is required, select Perform Copy Certification.
- Complete the copy certification.
- Select Save to complete the process.
Bulk Approve/Finalize Documents After Upload
- Access the Site eBinder.
- Select the Approval Needed tab.
- Review documents. Documents with a hyperlinked filename (formatted as an image or PDF) will generate a preview when selected.
- Using the checkboxes, select one or many documents to approve.
- Select the Approve button from the Bulk Actions menu.
- Complete each document’s required fields. Optionally, you can remove a document by clicking the ‘X’ to the right of the document name.
- Select Save. A banner advises of any failures and directs you to review notifications for details.