For nonsteady-state documents, you can check out a document to download the document to your computer, edit as needed, and reupload to SiteVault.
- Navigate to and open the document, and select Check Out from the document’s All Actions menu. The document is downloaded to your computer and a lock icon (
) is displayed on the Doc Info page of the document to indicate that it’s checked out.
- Open the downloaded document and edit as needed.
- When finished, select Check In from the document’s All Actions menu, upload the document using the dialog box, then select Check In. SiteVault stacks the updated document on the original document.
If needed, you can select Undo Checkout from the document’s All Actions menu to cancel the checkout without updating the document.
Note Connected eConsent Studies: When a blank ICF template received from the sponsor is checked out to the eConsent Editor, the option to cancel the check out is not available.