
Store and manage all of your documents


SiteVault includes robust annotation capabilities, allowing you to add or reply to annotations in your browser. There are six different types of annotations: Image, Text, Sticky Note, Line, Link, and Anchor annotations. Each annotation has two parts, the selection on the document, and the note, which includes any comments you made, if supported by type. Limited annotation functions are available for video files. See Annotating Videos for details.

Annotation Tools

You can select different annotation tools to navigate within a document or to create Comment annotations, Line annotations, Link annotations, and Anchor annotations, depending on your permissions. While in Comment, Line, or Anchor annotation mode, clicking on the document creates an annotation. The Select cursor mode allows you to select content and is enabled by default when you first access Annotate mode.

User Preferences

SiteVault remembers your selected annotation tool and re-selects it for you when you navigate to another document, log out and log in, or switch browsers. For example, if you select the Link tool and then navigate to a new document, Annotate mode opens with Link enabled by default. In addition, if you select content in View mode without performing a Context Menu action, and then switch to Annotate mode, Vault unselects the content and defaults the annotation tool to the user preference.

If you lose access to an annotation tool due to a change in permissions, Annotate mode defaults to the Select cursor mode. Using Link to Content from the Linked Documents section of Doc Info does not update your user preference for annotation tool selection. However, if you select an annotation tool in the Select Anchors: Select or create new anchor in this document window, SiteVault will use that selection as your saved user preference.

Adding Image, Text & Sticky Comment Annotations

Text selections can be up to 200 words and image selections must be within the boundaries of a single page. Sticky comment annotations cannot be created over text.

  1. Open the Doc Info page
  2. Select View annotations in the viewer panel.
  3. Select Select annotation tool and select the text/image annotation cursor mode.
    • If the area contains selectable text, highlight the text. SiteVault supports whole word selection only. If not, click and drag to select an area for an image annotation. Single click in an area without selectable text to create a sticky comment annotation.
  4. Optional: Change the style of your text or image annotation by selecting from the styles drop-down menu. For image annotations, you cannot change the style after saving the annotation.
  5. Type a note in the dialog that appears.
  6. Optional: If you want to notify a user about an annotation, add a user mention by typing “@” and the beginning of their first name, last name, or SiteVault username in the Comment field and selecting from the list of users.
  7. Click Save.

SiteVault cancels annotations when you click outside of an unsaved annotation and no input exists. If unsaved user input exists, you must either confirm to dismiss or cancel to continue editing the annotation.

Adding Line Annotations

  1. Open the Doc Info page
  2. Select View annotations in the viewer panel.
  3. Select the Select annotation tool and select the line cursor mode.
  4. Click and drag on the document to create a line.
  5. Optional: Click and drag again to create additional lines in the line group. You can also resize and move individual lines or the entire line group.
  6. Optional: Modify the color and width of the line using the options that appear alongside the cursor mode selector.
  7. Optional: Type a note in the dialog box that appears.
  8. Optional: If you want to notify a user about an annotation, add a user mention by typing “@” or “+” and the beginning of the first name, last name, or SiteVault user name and selecting from the list of users.
  9. Click Save. Once saved, you can move the annotation to resize, and move individual lines or the line group.

Line annotations do not appear correctly when a page is rotated in the document viewer. Make sure you are viewing the page in its original orientation when adding line annotations.
