Accept Responsibilities and Send for PI Approval
Adding New Staff to SiteVault
Address Monitoring Feedback
Assign Responsibilities
Assign Teams and Send for Approval
Bulk Upload of Regulatory Documents Using the Document Inbox
Completing a Training Envelope
Completing a Training Workflow
Create and Manage Studies in SiteVault
Create and Manage eConsent Participants
Creating and Managing Patients
Deleting Documents
Digital Delegation Overview
Document Versioning
Document Workflows
Editing an eConsent Form
Enable Digital Delegation and Create Study Responsibilities
Exporting a Training Report
Granting Monitor Access
Manage Organization and Site Responsibilities
Monitor Visit Preparation
PI Approval of Staff Assignments
Profile Documents Explained
Review documents as a Monitor/CRA
Sending Training in Bulk
Sending and Signing an eConsent Form as a Participant
Site Documents
Site eBinder
Start, Review, and Sign eConsent
Starting a Training Workflow
Uploading Documents to the Library
Uploading Documents to the Study eBinder
Uploading Source Documents
Using the Vault Selector
Veeva SiteVault 101 (English)
Veeva SiteVault 101 (French)
Veeva SiteVault 101 (Spanish)
Why Approve a Document?