Learn how to build your eBinder and upload and manage documents

About Document Lifecycles

Document lifecycles are the sequences of states such as Draft and In Sponsor Review that a document goes through during its life.

SiteVault automatically assigns each document that you create to a lifecycle. From there, the document moves through its lifecycle states based on the actions you take on the document. Some actions are not available in certain lifecycle states, for example, you cannot approve a document if it’s already in a steady state such as Approved for Use.

Select here for information on supported document types and their required fields, naming format, and eBinder locations. See the table below for the states that documents can go through for each lifecycle.


Lifecycle States

Draft to Approved for Use

Draft to Approved for Use Workflow

Draft to Current

Draft to Current Workflow

Draft to Effective

Draft to Effective Workflow

Draft to Final

Draft to Final Workflow

Draft to Finalized

Draft to Finalized Workflow

Draft to Fully Executed

Draft to Fully Executed Workflow

Organization Profile

Organization Profile Workflow

Person Profile

Person Profile Workflow
