
Manage study participants, digitize consent forms, and eConsent participants

MyVeeva for Patients Resources

Note Veeva eConsent may be provided by your sponsor for use on a Connected Study or enabled for your SiteVault account as a paid add-on to use across all studies. Contact the Site Success Team to learn more.

Note Veeva ePRO is only available to sites whose sponsors are using Veeva ePRO in Clinical Operations.

The following resources are available for MyVeeva for Patients, Veeva eConsent, and Veeva ePRO:

User Resource Description
MyVeeva for Patients User Help

The MyVeeva for Patients Help website documents how to complete tasks as a MyVeeva for Patients user, for example, how to register an account, complete eConsent forms, manage visits, and take ePROs (surveys).

MyVeeva for Patients User Release Notes

The MyVeeva for Patients Release Notes document the features and issue corrections in releases from a MyVeeva for Patient's point of view.

MyVeeva for Patients User Mobile App Download

The MyVeeva for Patients Android and iOS apps can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store.

Note While we understand that some customers may provision devices for participant use during a clinical study, a registered account in the MyVeeva for Patients app is designed for personal use by a single individual for the duration of a study. Veeva maintains the security and integrity of each account created by MyVeeva for Patients users, and we’ve implemented features such as multifactor authentication and biometric authentication to secure our user’s accounts regardless of who owns their device. Veeva’s position on provisioned devices is that the MyVeeva for Patients app functions no differently on a provisioned device than it does on a personal device, and using the MyVeeva for Patients app on a provisioned device is a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) practice. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that their organization’s standard operating procedures are followed and that their practices maintain the security and integrity of the MyVeeva for Patients app and any user accounts associated with their clinical studies.

Site Staff Help

The following resources are available for Veeva eConsent:

  • SiteVault Help: The SiteVault Veeva eConsent help beginning on the Overview of Veeva eConsent page documents how to author eConsent forms and consent participants electronically in SiteVault.
  • Veeva eConsent Editor Help: The Using the Veeva eConsent Editor page in Clinical Operations Help documents how site and sponsor staff can use the editor to transform source documents into eConsent forms.
Site Staff Troubleshooting

See the following resources for information about how to troubleshoot during the Veeva eConsent authoring and consenting processes or while using Veeva ePRO in SiteVault:

Sponsor Staff and Site Staff Release Notes

The resources below are available across the Veeva Digital Trials Platform. We recommend that you visit whichever release notes apply to you to understand everything that is included in a general release.

  • Digital Trials Platform: The Digital Trials Platform release notes document general releases and impact assessments for MyVeeva for Patients, SiteVault, Site Connect, Veeva eConsent, and Veeva ePRO.
  • SiteVault: The SiteVault Release Notes document what's new for sites.
  • Site Connect and Vault Clinical Operations: The Vault Release Notes document Vault releases and impact assessments, which include descriptions of new Site Connect and Clinical Operations features.
Site Staff Known Issues

The MyVeeva for Patients Known Issues page documents known issues that affect users of MyVeeva for Patients, the Veeva eConsent editor, and the Veeva ePRO module.
