Digital Delegation

Easily manage responsibilities and generate your delegation logs

Send PI Accepted Study Delegations to Approve

Who can complete this task?
  • Site Administrators


When a study team member accepts their delegations, SiteVault creates a PI Approval record that you can send to the PI for approval. The PI Approval record contains all of the currently accepted but unapproved delegations. As more study team members accept their delegations, SiteVault adds the newly accepted delegations to the PI Approval.

PI Approval can be sent at any time as long as at least one study team member has accepted their delegations and there are no outstanding PI Approval workflows.

Delegations accepted while a PI Approval workflow is in progress will not be added to the outstanding workflow. You can add the accepted delegations to another PI Approval record once the current workflow is complete or cancel the current workflow and update it to include the additional acceptances.

Send Delegations for Approval

  1. Ensure that the PI is added to the study as a study team member with the role of Principal Investigator in the Active state.
  2. Navigate to the study and expand the Delegations Ready for PI Approval section, then select the link for the PI Approval record to open the PI Approval page.
  3. If needed, expand the Study Staff Delegations section to review the delegations.
  4. Select Send Delegations for PI Approval on the page and start the action. SiteVault sends the PI a task to review and approve the study assignments and delegations.