Digital Delegation

Learn how to digitize your Delegation of Authority log

Edit an Active PI Approval Record

Who can complete this task?
  • Administrators

Complete the following steps if you are the workflow owner and you must update a PI Approval Record that has been issued but not yet approved:

  1. Cancel the PI approval workflow:
    • Access Home > Active Workflows.
    • Locate the PI Approval workflow.
    • From the workflow’s Actions menu, select Cancel Workflow.
    • Select Continue to complete the process.
  2. Update the study team member’s study assignment status:
    • Access the study.
    • Access the study team member’s Team Assignment.
    • From the Workflow Actions menu, select Go Back to Proposed Changes - Acceptance Needed.
    • Select Yes to confirm your intent.
  3. Edit the study team member’s delegations as needed:
    • Expand the Study Staff Delegations section.
    • Select Edit to update as needed.
    • Select Save to complete the process.
  4. Resend to the study team member for acceptance:
    • From the Workflow Actions menu, select Send Delegations for Acceptance.