Veeva ePRO

Learn how to manage participant and site staff surveys

Managing Your Study's Supported Languages

Note Veeva ePRO is only available to sites whose sponsors are using Veeva ePRO in Clinical Operations.

While your sponsor may create a collection that contains many languages, your site might support only a subset of those languages. Site administrators can select which languages your study supports in Study Connect.

Adding Supported Languages to Your Study

You can add supported languages to your study in order to receive the collection in only the languages your site supports.

To add a supported language to your study, complete the following steps:

  1. In Study Connect, select Surveys on the left menu.
  2. On the Overview tab, locate the Supported Languages section and select the edit icon (Edit Icon).
  3. Select the language you want to add from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Save.

Only languages approved by your sponsor can be added as a supported language. When you add a new supported language, a new collection document is created with the new language details, and you must approve the new collection document for use by your site after local IRB/EC approval, if applicable.

If you add a new supported language that isn’t supported by your sponsor, you’re notified with an error message.

See the Managing Collection Documents page for more information about collections.

Removing Languages From Your Study

You can only remove languages that haven’t been approved.

To remove a supported language from your study, complete the following steps:

  1. In Study Connect, select Surveys on the left menu.
  2. On the Overview tab, locate the Supported Languages section and select the edit icon (Edit Icon).
  3. Locate the language you want to remove and select the X icon (Remove Language X Icon).
  4. Select Save.

Note You can’t remove a supported language that has been previously approved as it could be in use by participants.