Getting Started

Learn about using SiteVault and get up and running quickly

Site and Organization User Types

As you familiarize yourself with SiteVault and this documentation, it may be helpful to understand the different types of users, their system roles, and their access levels.

A site can independently sign up for SiteVault or they may be a part of a research organization. Research organizations have access to one or more sites. Users within an organization can have different system roles at different sites.

Site Users

  • Site Administrator: Users with this system role can view and manage all information and documents, adjust settings, and add new users at the site level.
  • Site Staff: The basic system role for all non-administrative research staff. Users with this system role can create documents, manage study participants, and send eConsent documents for their assigned studies.
  • Site External: Provides read-only access to SiteVault. The user can be added to Study records to view limited study-level documents and data.
  • Site Viewer (All Studies): Site staff with this role can edit fields and create new drafts of documents on studies to which they are assigned, as well as participate in relevant workflows.
  • No Access: Removes a user’s access to the site.

Research Organizations Users

  • Research Organization Administrator: This role provides full access to all data and functionality in SiteVault. Users with this system role can create and manage user accounts for the entire research organization (across multiple sites, if applicable).
  • Research Organization Staff: This is the basic system role for all non-administrative research staff. Provides view-only access to research organization-level information.
  • Research Organization External: This is the system role for monitors, CRAs, or auditors. Provides no access to any research organization-level data and documents.

Add-On Permissions

Site staff can also have additional permissions added to their role to meet the business needs of a site or organization.

  • Patients and Recruiting: Access to site-specific & research organization-wide patient records.
  • Site Profiles: Access to site-specific profile information for IRB/ECs, Labs, Sponsors, and Investigational Products.
  • Budgets and Contracts: View all study records for the site and access to manage all legal/financial study documents for the site.