Capturing Data

Record study events and submit participant surveys

Completing an In-Person Survey

Completing an In-Person Survey

  1. Select the appropriate participant ID.
  2. Select the event the survey is associated with. The surveys that are available for that event are displayed.
  3. Select Start in Person. If no surveys are available for completion, the button is not displayed.
  4. If the user will be using your current device, skip to Step 5. If the user will be using a different device, they can use the camera app to scan the QR code and complete the survey. {Start Survey in Person Dialog Box}
  5. If the user will use your current device, select Start Now. You are logged out of ePRO and the participant’s identity verification opens.
  6. The user verifies their identity and completes required surveys.
  7. After the user is finished answering the surveys, they select End Session and select OK. The ePRO login page is displayed.


Issue Possible Fix
Unable to pass the verification screen.
  • Ensure that the user didn’t accidentally select Cancel and select the buttons to cancel their access.
  • Verify that the participant’s date of birth is correct in the participant’s details.